期待良久… 一本專為在香港/ 澳門工作的印尼群體的記事簿…
印尼家傭關愛組: 免費索取2025 印尼文記事簿
歡迎教會/ 團體/ 個人網上登記索取,送予印尼姐姐及/或僱主: https://forms.gle/i5E5rtxqoHF9t6wFA
(鼓勵在三個點自取,或順豐到付方式送遞) 完成網上登記後將收到確認短訊。
本項目全賴義務同工和各方參與,歡迎自由奉獻支持。查詢: Sandy Ho (5116 6463) / Michelle Leung (5985 8140)
TKI Care: FREE Note Book Indonesia 2025
… designated for Indonesians working in HK/ Macau…
Churches/ organizations/ individuals are welcomed to order online to give out to Indonesians and their employers: https://forms.gle/i5E5rtxqoHF9t6wFA. You’re encouraged to pick-up yourself from the 3 points listed in the online form; or we can arrange delivery service (cost to be paid on receipt). A confirmation message will be sent upon completion of the online registration.
Donations are much appreciated and needed. Enquiry: Sandy Ho (5116 6463) / Michelle Leung (5985 8140)